Where to get help if Magnetic Pickup Tool gets problem during the use?
Magnetic Pickup Tool, as the hot sale of our products, usually accepts good feedback. All products of this series shall meet our standard that is made by our quality inspection team. But if this product gets a problem during the use, please contact our after-sale department by telephone or e-mail to ask for help. Our company has a sound after-sale service system and our staff can provide you with professional guidance and technical support. If you are in a hurry to solve your problem, it’s better for you to describe your problem as detailed as you can. We can address your problem ASAP.
For many years, Pointer Metal & Electron Product Co.,Ltd has only focused on production bbq stick. According to the material, Pointer Metal & Electron Product's products are divided into several categories, and telescopic pole is one of them. Normal and special working technologies have been adopted in Pointer Metal & Electron Product telescopic pick up tool production. Its mechanical parts will be treated by normal processing such as welding, cutting, and honing, and special processing such as precision casting, laser processing, and ultrasonic machining. The product is highly praised by customers from Taiwan, Japan, Germany, and America. The product performance has been greatly improved by our innovative R&D team. The special steel and chromium materials make it highly resistant to fire and heat.
We work to improve our use of raw materials, energy, and water in the manufacture of our products and provision of our services, and we will strive to reduce the emissions, discharges, and wastes that our operations generate.
For many years, Pointer Metal & Electron Product Co.,Ltd has only focused on production bbq stick. According to the material, Pointer Metal & Electron Product's products are divided into several categories, and telescopic pole is one of them. Normal and special working technologies have been adopted in Pointer Metal & Electron Product telescopic pick up tool production. Its mechanical parts will be treated by normal processing such as welding, cutting, and honing, and special processing such as precision casting, laser processing, and ultrasonic machining. The product is highly praised by customers from Taiwan, Japan, Germany, and America. The product performance has been greatly improved by our innovative R&D team. The special steel and chromium materials make it highly resistant to fire and heat.
We work to improve our use of raw materials, energy, and water in the manufacture of our products and provision of our services, and we will strive to reduce the emissions, discharges, and wastes that our operations generate.