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What color (size, type, specification) is available for Metal Extendable Back Scratcher in Pointer Metal & Electron Product?
Pointer Metal & Electron Product Co.,Ltd Metal Extendable Back Scratcher has various colors, sizes, and even unique specification based on needs. You can get more specific information about it on our website. In order to meet the needs of different customers, our products have different appearances. If you have special needs, you can also contact our staff to ask more about the product.
Bangda Telescopic Pole Array image56
Pointer Metal & Electron Product is great at incorporating designing, manufacturing and promotion of extendable fly swatter. Various in styles, Pointer Metal & Electron Product's bbq stick can meet the needs of different customers. Before delivery, Pointer Metal & Electron Product telescoping backscratcher has gone through a series of analyses. They include the stress analysis of all components, fatigue analysis, load increase analysis, etc. It is sold to the Walker, Sony, and TCM companies. extendable fly swatter is highly recommended by telescopic fly swatter according to rich experiences. The product is highly praised by customers from Taiwan, Japan, Germany, and America.

We want to be the premier product resource in the industry by offering exceptional quality, trusted advisory and unparalleled customer service at competitive pricing that will create for customers great experiences. Inquiry!

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