The quality process of Bangda Telescopic Pole begins with a full contract review of each order. Each component is reviewed for mechanical performance prior to production. The product has passed 100% full load aging test
Bangda Telescopic Pole has passed the fire safety test. It has been tested according to EN ISO 10140-2 within the scope of TS 2381-1 given by Facade Testing Institute. The high-quality shell ensures it to have a good cooling effect when charging under high temperature
Advanced testing equipment is used in the production of Bangda Telescopic Pole . The product will be tested under multimeter, Battery component detection system, and cell tester. The product has a big current discharge ability
The design of Bangda Telescopic Pole is unique. It follows principles either structurally (shapes of objects/garments) and/or aesthetically (visually or appearance of objects/fabric). The product is stable and safe to use
Bangda Telescopic Pole has been tested by third-party testing organizations. It has been checked in terms of miter edge lamination, polish, flatness, hardness, and straightness. Its dimensions including length, width, and thickness are all precise
The product is highly appreciated for its high performance and long service life. The product has a perfect dielectric property