Just to create the best lamps.

Is Under Vehicle Inspection Mirror tested before shipment?
Yes, Under Vehicle Inspection Mirror is fully tested before shipment. Pointer Metal & Electron Product Co.,Ltd is a quality-oriented manufacturer with great achievements in quality control. Before we tapped into the global markets, we paid less attention to the ex-factory inspection, which results in the high rejection rate of the product. Now, since we have conducted detailed quality assurance rules and set up criteria for ex-factory product quality, the pass rate of the product has increased remarkably. Customers can rest assured about the product quality by remotely reviewing our QC process.
Bangda Telescopic Pole Array image107
Pointer Metal & Electron Product is a professional manufacturing service and product development company in China. Our main product is welding inspection mirror. The pick up tool series has become a hot product of Pointer Metal & Electron Product. The water treated by this product contains no sediment, rust, suspended solids, and other macromolecular organics because it is equipped with an ultrafiltration device. The product is finely welded, thereby, it is not easy to crack or out of shape. Finding a vast application in the industry, the product is widely demanded in the market. With flexibility, it can easily reach places where are hard to get to.

As an experienced manufacturer, we are sure to satisfy you. Get an offer!

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