Is there instruction manual for Telescoping Magnetic Pickup Tool?
Yes, we can offer an instruction manual for Telescoping Magnetic Pickup Tool to every customer. The end-user manual is compiled by our skilled workers who are familiar with every part of the product and can proficiently operate the products as well. On the first page of the manual, there is a quick version of the instructions' catalog which describes every step of the installation in short. In addition, we have clear and detailed pictures exquisitely printed for better understanding of users. English version is commonly used for users now.
Pointer Metal & Electron Product Co.,Ltd is the pioneer of telescopic bbq fork research and development in this industry. Pointer Metal & Electron Product is mainly engaged in the business of extra long shoe horn and other product series. The product features a high CRI (color rendering index). It brings out the true colors of an object without appearing dinginess or inaccuracy. Electroplated with a finish, the product never gets oxidization. By using this product, people's foot pain problems can be greatly relieved or solved. So people can move and perform normal daily tasks easily. The product is finely welded, thereby, it is not easy to crack or out of shape.
We have been working for the last several years in catering to the niche market. We have a very distinguished clientele and we are constantly striving to make them the best in the world. Ask online!
Pointer Metal & Electron Product Co.,Ltd is the pioneer of telescopic bbq fork research and development in this industry. Pointer Metal & Electron Product is mainly engaged in the business of extra long shoe horn and other product series. The product features a high CRI (color rendering index). It brings out the true colors of an object without appearing dinginess or inaccuracy. Electroplated with a finish, the product never gets oxidization. By using this product, people's foot pain problems can be greatly relieved or solved. So people can move and perform normal daily tasks easily. The product is finely welded, thereby, it is not easy to crack or out of shape.
We have been working for the last several years in catering to the niche market. We have a very distinguished clientele and we are constantly striving to make them the best in the world. Ask online!