Can Pointer Metal & Electron Product provide certificate of origin for Other Telescopic Pole?
We can provide the certificate of origin for Other Telescopic Pole if required. The certificate of origin generally contains information regarding the product, its destination, and the country of export. It is an important form because it can help determine whether certain goods are eligible to import or whether goods are subject to duties. If you need the certificate of origin and have some special requirements, in case of any delivery delay, please notify us in advance, at lease before shipment. We may need some time to prepare the document.
By virtue of strong developing and manufacturing capability of welding inspection mirror, Pointer Metal & Electron Product Co.,Ltd ranks among top competitors in domestic markets. The telescopic pole series is one of the main products of Pointer Metal & Electron Product. The product is inspected according to the industry standard to ensure no defect. With flexibility, it can easily reach places where are hard to get to. One of our customers said: 'love this shoe. It has the desired sturdiness yet unexpected comfort. It keeps my feet secure.' The product is easy to use without much effort to grip.
As always, special attention is bestowed to the quality of the service, which has gained us high level of customer satisfaction. Get info!
By virtue of strong developing and manufacturing capability of welding inspection mirror, Pointer Metal & Electron Product Co.,Ltd ranks among top competitors in domestic markets. The telescopic pole series is one of the main products of Pointer Metal & Electron Product. The product is inspected according to the industry standard to ensure no defect. With flexibility, it can easily reach places where are hard to get to. One of our customers said: 'love this shoe. It has the desired sturdiness yet unexpected comfort. It keeps my feet secure.' The product is easy to use without much effort to grip.
As always, special attention is bestowed to the quality of the service, which has gained us high level of customer satisfaction. Get info!